Source code for mcmodels.core.masks

Module containing Mask object and supporting functions.
# Authors: Joseph Knox <>
# License: Allen Institute Software License

from __future__ import division
from functools import reduce
import operator as op

import numpy as np
from allensdk.core import json_utilities

[docs]class Mask(object): """Object for masking the grid data from allensdk. This object is useful for masking grid data as well as reshaping/filling 'masked' arrays to be the shape of the annotation (CCF) from allensdk. Also, this object is useful for determining the location or structure id of a given voxel from the voxel-voxel connectivity matrix. Parameters ---------- voxel_model_cache : VoxelModelCache object This supplies the interface for pulling cached reference space, annotation, and structure tree objects. structure_ids : array-like, optional, shape (n_structure_ids,) AllenSDK CCF Annotation structure ids to be included in the model Hemisphere : int hemisphere id to be included in the projection in the model. * 1, left hemisphere * 2, right hemisphere * 3, both hemispheres Attributes ---------- reference_space : reference_space object see allensdk.reference_space Examples -------- >>> from mcmodels.core import Mask, VoxelModelCache >>> cache = VoxelModelCache() >>> mask = Mask.from_cache(cache) >>> # what shape will a masked volume be >>> mask.masked_shape (448962,) """ GREY_STRUCTURE_ID = 8 DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_IDS = tuple([GREY_STRUCTURE_ID]) BILATERAL_HEMISPHERE_ID = 3 DEFAULT_HEMISPHERE_ID = BILATERAL_HEMISPHERE_ID
[docs] @classmethod def from_cache(cls, cache, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- cache : caching object MCC or RSC or VMC """ try: reference_space = cache.get_reference_space() except AttributeError: raise ValueError('Must pass a MouseConnectivtyCache, ' 'ReferenceSpaceCache, or VoxelModelCache object ' 'not %s' % type(cache)) return cls(reference_space, **kwargs)
[docs] def __init__(self, reference_space, structure_ids=None, hemisphere_id=None): if structure_ids is None: structure_ids = self.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_IDS if hemisphere_id is None: hemisphere_id = self.DEFAULT_HEMISPHERE_ID # update reference space to include only assigned voxels reference_space.remove_unassigned(update_self=True) self.reference_space = reference_space self.structure_ids = structure_ids self.hemisphere_id = hemisphere_id
def __repr__(self): if len(self.structure_ids) > 3: structure_ids = "{0}, ..., {1}".format(self.structure_ids[0], self.structure_ids[-1]) else: structure_ids = ", ".join(map(str, self.structure_ids)) return "{0}(hemisphere_id={1}, structure_ids=[{2}])".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.hemisphere_id, structure_ids) @staticmethod def _mask_to_hemisphere(mask, hemisphere_id): """Masks a given data volume to a hemisphere.""" # mask to hemisphere midline = mask.shape[2]//2 if hemisphere_id == 1: mask[..., midline:] = 0 elif hemisphere_id == 2: mask[..., :midline] = 0 return mask def _get_mask(self, structure_ids, hemisphere_id=None): """Gets mask property (boolean array)""" if hemisphere_id is None: hemisphere_id = self.hemisphere_id mask = self.reference_space.make_structure_mask(structure_ids, direct_only=False) return Mask._mask_to_hemisphere(mask, hemisphere_id) @property def mask(self): """Boolean mask defining 'interesting' voxels.""" try: return self._mask except AttributeError: self._mask = self._get_mask(self.structure_ids) return self._mask def _get_assigned_structures(self): # return flattened set of list of lists descendants = self.reference_space.structure_tree.descendant_ids(self.structure_ids) return set(reduce(op.add, descendants, [])) @property def assigned_structures(self): """List of resolved structures in annotation""" try: return self._assigned_structures except AttributeError: self._assigned_structures = self._get_assigned_structures() return self._assigned_structures @property def coordinates(self): """Returns coordinates inside mask.""" return np.argwhere(self.mask) @property def masked_shape(self): """Shape a data volume would become after masking.""" return (np.count_nonzero(self.mask),)
[docs] def get_structure_flattened_mask(self, structure_ids=None, hemisphere_id=None): """Masks a structure_mask or union of structure_masks. Parameters ---------- structure_ids : array-like, optional (default = None) A list of structure ids with which to construct a structure union mask. If None, the object's structure_ids are used. hemisphere_id : int, optional (default = None) The hemisphere to which the structure union mask will be additionally masked to. If None, the object's hemisphere_id is used. Returns ------- array - shape (masked_shape) Masked structure union mask. """ if structure_ids is None: structure_ids = self.structure_ids if structure_ids is self.structure_ids and hemisphere_id is None: # saves time if already computed mask = self.mask else: mask = self._get_mask(structure_ids, hemisphere_id=hemisphere_id) # mask this mask to self.mask return self.mask_volume(mask)
[docs] def get_flattened_voxel_index(self, voxel_idx): """Return the index of a givel voxel in the flattened mask. Parameters ---------- voxel_idx : array coordinates of voxel of which the flattened index position is wanted Returns ------- int idx of voxel_idx in flattened mask """ idx = np.where((self.coordinates == voxel_idx).all(axis=1))[0] try: # return int from array return idx[0] except IndexError as e: # array is empty raise ValueError("voxel index %s is not in mask.coordinates" "\nIndexError\n %s" % (voxel_idx, e))
[docs] def get_structure_indices(self, structure_ids=None, hemisphere_id=None): """Returns the indices of a masked structure_mask or union of structure_masks. Parameters ---------- structure_ids : array-like, optional (default = None) A list of structure ids with which to construct a structure union mask. If None, the object's structure_ids are used. hemisphere_id : int, optional (default = None) The hemisphere to which the structure union mask will be additionally masked to. If None, the object's hemisphere_id is used. Returns ------- array - shape (masked_nonzero,) The indices of the masked structure union mask that are nonzero """ aligned = self.get_structure_flattened_mask(structure_ids, hemisphere_id) return aligned.nonzero()[0]
[docs] def get_key(self, structure_ids=None, hemisphere_id=None): # TODO: look into cleaning up check for disjoint """Returns flattened annotation key. Useful in performing structure specific computations on the voxel-voxel array. Parameters ---------- structure_ids : list, optional (default=None) Ids of structures which to include in the key. If None, the structure_ids used to make the Mask object will be used. hemisphere_id : int, optional (default=None) Hemisphere to include in the key. If None, the hemisphere used to mask the Mask object will be used. Returns ------- key = array, shape (masked_shape,), type Key mapping an element in a masked data volume to its structure id in the annotation. Each element in key is a structure_id. """ # do not want to overwrite annotation annotation = self.reference_space.annotation.copy() if structure_ids is None and hemisphere_id is None: # return key of all resolved structures in annotation annotation[np.logical_not(self.mask)] = 0 return self.mask_volume(annotation) if structure_ids is None: structure_ids = self.structure_ids if hemisphere_id is None: hemisphere_id = self.hemisphere_id if self.reference_space.structure_tree.has_overlaps(structure_ids): raise ValueError("structures %s are not disjoint" % structure_ids) # get list of descendant_ids for each structure id descendant_ids = self.reference_space.structure_tree.descendant_ids(structure_ids) for structure_id, descendants in zip(structure_ids, descendant_ids): if len(descendants) > 1: # set annotation equal to structure where it has descendants idx = np.isin(annotation, descendants) annotation[idx] = structure_id # get mask according to args mask = self._get_mask(structure_ids, hemisphere_id=hemisphere_id) # mask to structure_ids annotation[np.logical_not(mask)] = 0 return self.mask_volume(annotation)
[docs] def mask_volume(self, X): """Masks a given volume. Parameters ---------- X - array, shape (x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf) Data volume to be masked. Must be same shape as self.reference_space.annotation.shape Returns ------- array - shape (masked_shape) Masked data volume. """ if X.shape != self.reference_space.annotation.shape: raise ValueError("X must be same shape as annotation: %s (not %s)" % (self.reference_space.annotation.shape, X.shape)) return X[self.mask.nonzero()]
[docs] def fill_volume_where_masked(self, X, fill, inplace=True): """Fills a data volume where mask is valid. Parameters ---------- X : array, shape (x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf) Array to be filled where mask is valid. fill : int or array, shape=(masked_shape) Fill value or array. inplace : boolean If True, X is filled in place, else a copy is returned. Returns ------- array - shape (x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf) Filled array. """ if X.shape != self.reference_space.annotation.shape: raise ValueError("X must be same shape as annotation: %s (not %s)" % (self.reference_space.annotation.shape, X.shape)) _X = X.copy() if not inplace else X # numpy throws value error if type(fill)=array && fill.shape != idx _X[self.mask.nonzero()] = fill return _X
[docs] def map_masked_to_annotation(self, y): """Maps a masked vector y back to annotation volume. Parameters ---------- y : array, shape (masked_shape) Array to be mapped into where mask is valid. Returns ------- y_volume : shape (x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf) Array same shape as annotation, filled with input parameter y where mask is valid """ # indices where y idx = self.mask.nonzero() if y.shape != idx[0].shape: raise ValueError("Must be same shape as key: %s (not %s)" % (idx[0].shape, y.shape)) y_volume = np.zeros(self.reference_space.annotation.shape) y_volume[idx] = y return y_volume