Source code for mcmodels.core.experiment

Module containing Experiment object and supporting functions.
# Authors: Joseph Knox <>
# License: Allen Institute Software License

from __future__ import division
from functools import partial

import numpy as np

from .utils import compute_centroid, get_injection_hemisphere_id

def _pull_grid_data(cache, experiment_id):
    """Pulls data volumes using VoxelModelCache object.

    cache : VoxelModelCache or MouseConnectivityCache instance.
        Object used to pull grid data.

    experiment_id : int
        Experiment id of the experiment from which to pull grid data.

        Container of relevant data volumes.
        See allensdk.core.mouse_connectivity_cache for description of volumes.

    voxel_model_cache.get_<data_volume> returns a tuple (data_volume, meta_data).
    We only care about the data volume.

    return {
        "data_mask" : cache.get_data_mask(experiment_id)[0],
        "injection_density" : cache.get_injection_density(experiment_id)[0],
        "injection_fraction" : cache.get_injection_fraction(experiment_id)[0],
        "projection_density" : cache.get_projection_density(experiment_id)[0]

def _mask_data_volume(data_volume, data_mask, tolerance=0.0):
    """Masks a given data volume in place.

    data_volume : array, shape (x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf)
        Data volume to be masked.

    data_mask : array, shape (x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf)
        data_mask for given experiment (values in [0,1])
        See allensdk.core.mouse_connectivity_cache for more info.

    tolerance : float, optional (default=0.0)
        tolerance with which to define bad voxels in data_mask.

        data_volume parameter masked in place.

    if data_volume.shape != data_mask.shape:
        raise ValueError("data_volume (%s) and data_mask (%s) must be the same "
                         "shape!" % (data_volume.shape, data_mask.shape))

    # mask data volume
    data_volume[data_mask < tolerance] = 0.0

    return data_volume

def _compute_true_injection_density(injection_density, injection_fraction, inplace=False):
    """Computes 'true' injection_density.

    Takes into consideration injection fracion (proportion of pixels in the
    annotated injection site).

    injection_density : array, shape (x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf)
        injection_density data volume.

    injection_fraction : array, shape (x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf)
        injection_fraction data volume.

    inplace : boolean
        If True, overwrites injection_density parameter, else returns new array.

    array, shape (x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf)
        'true' injection density : injection_density * injection_fraction
    if injection_density.shape != injection_fraction.shape:
        raise ValueError("injection_density (%s) and injection_fraction "
                         "(%s) must be the same shape!"
                         % (injection_density.shape, injection_fraction.shape))

    if inplace:
        np.multiply(injection_density, injection_fraction, injection_density)
        return injection_density

    return np.multiply(injection_density, injection_fraction)

[docs]class Experiment(object): """Class containing the data from an anterograde injection Experiment conveniently compiles the relevant information from a given anterograde viral tracing experiment data. Parameters ---------- voxel_model_cache : VoxelModelCache object This supplies the interface for pulling experimental data. experiment_id : int AllenSDK id assigned to given experiment Examples -------- >>> from mcmodels.core import Experiment, VoxelModelCache >>> cache = VoxelModelCache() >>> eid = 100141273 >>> exp = Experiment(voxel_model_cache, eid) >>> exp.injection_density.shape (132,80,114) """ DEFAULT_DATA_MASK_TOLERANCE = 0.5
[docs] @classmethod def from_cache(cls, cache, experiment_id, data_mask_tolerance=None): """Alternative constructor allowing for pulling grid data. Parameters ---------- cache : VoxelModelCache or MouseConnectivityCache instance. Object used to pull grid data. experiment_id : int Experiment id of the experiment from which to pull grid data. data_mask_tolerance : float, optional (default = None) Tolerance with which to mask 'bad' data. data_mask array has values on the interval [0,1], where a nonzero element indicates a 'bad' voxel. If None is passed, the parameter defaults to DEFAULT_DATA_MASK_TOLERANCE (0.5). """ if data_mask_tolerance is None: data_mask_tolerance = cls.DEFAULT_DATA_MASK_TOLERANCE try: # pull data data_volumes = _pull_grid_data(cache, experiment_id) except AttributeError: raise ValueError('cache must be a MouseConnectivityCache or ' 'VoxelModelCache object, not %s' % type(cache)) # compute 'true' injection density (inplace) _compute_true_injection_density(data_volumes["injection_density"], data_volumes["injection_fraction"], inplace=True) # mask data in place mask_func = partial(_mask_data_volume, data_mask=data_volumes["data_mask"], tolerance=data_mask_tolerance) injection_density = mask_func(data_volumes["injection_density"]) projection_density = mask_func(data_volumes["projection_density"]) return cls(injection_density, projection_density)
[docs] def __init__(self, injection_density=None, projection_density=None): # assume numpy array if injection_density.shape != projection_density.shape: raise ValueError("injection_density (%s) and projection_density " "(%s) must be the same shape!" % (injection_density.shape, projection_density.shape)) self.injection_density = injection_density self.projection_density = projection_density
def __repr__(self): return '{0}(volume_shape={1})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.injection_density.shape) @property def injection_hemisphere_id(self): """Returns injection hemisphere""" return get_injection_hemisphere_id(self.injection_density, majority=True) @property def bilateral_injection(self): """Returns injection hemisphere""" return get_injection_hemisphere_id(self.injection_density) == 3 @property def injection_volume(self): """Returns total injection volume = sum(injection_density)""" return self.injection_density.sum() @property def projection_volume(self): """Returns total projection volume = sum(projection_density)""" return self.projection_density.sum() @property def centroid(self): """Returns centroid of the injection density.""" return compute_centroid(self.injection_density) @property def normalized_injection_density(self): """Returns injection density normalized to have unit sum.""" return self.injection_density / self.injection_volume @property def normalized_projection_density(self): """Returns projection_density normalized by the total injection_density""" return self.projection_density / self.injection_volume def get_injection(self, normalized=False): if normalized: return self.normalized_injection_density return self.injection_density def get_projection(self, normalized=False): if normalized: return self.normalized_projection_density return self.projection_density
[docs] def flip(self): """Reflects experiment along midline. Returns ------- self - flipped experiment """ self.injection_density = self.injection_density[..., ::-1] self.projection_density = self.projection_density[..., ::-1] return self