Source code for mcmodels.core.base

Module containing VoxelData and RegionalData objects.
# Authors: Joseph Knox <>
# License: Allen Institute Software License

# TODO: implement __repr__
# TODO: integrate into VoxelModelCache

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty

import six
import numpy as np

from .experiment import Experiment
from .masks import Mask
from ..utils import unionize

class _BaseData(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)):

        """ for default structure ids """

    def default_structure_ids(self):
        """Default structure ids."""
        # NOTE: Necessary copy from allensdk.core.MouseConnectivityCache because
        #       of hardcoded class and summary structure set id error due to
        #       new annotation (ccf)

        if not hasattr(self, '_default_structure_ids'):
            tree = self.cache.get_structure_tree()
            default_structures = tree.get_structures_by_set_id(
            self._default_structure_ids = [st['id'] for st in default_structures
                                           if st['id'] != 934]

        return self._default_structure_ids

    def __init__(self,
                 injection_volume_bounds=(0.0, np.inf),
                 projection_volume_bounds=(0.0, np.inf),

        self.cache = cache
        self.injection_structure_ids = injection_structure_ids
        self.projection_structure_ids = projection_structure_ids
        self.injection_hemisphere_id = injection_hemisphere_id
        self.projection_hemisphere_id = projection_hemisphere_id
        self.normalized_injection = normalized_injection
        self.normalized_projection = normalized_projection
        self.flip_experiments = flip_experiments
        self.data_mask_tolerance = data_mask_tolerance
        self.injection_volume_bounds = injection_volume_bounds
        self.projection_volume_bounds = projection_volume_bounds
        self.min_contained_injection_ratio = min_contained_injection_ratio

        if self.injection_structure_ids is None:
            self.injection_structure_ids = self.default_structure_ids

        if self.projection_structure_ids is None:
            self.projection_structure_ids = self.default_structure_ids

        self.injection_mask = Mask.from_cache(
        self.projection_mask = Mask.from_cache(

    def __repr__(self):
        # TODO: update to show parameters
        return "{}()".format(self.__class__.__name__)

    def _experiment_generator(self, experiment_ids):
        """Generates experiment objections given their experiment ids"""
        def valid_volume(experiment):
            """Does experiment meet volume requirements?"""
            # compute injection ratio contained within injection mask
            contained_injection = self.injection_mask.mask_volume(
            contained_ratio = contained_injection.sum() / experiment.injection_volume

            # convert to mm^3
            resolution = self.cache.get_reference_space().resolution[0]
            convert = lambda x: x * (1e-3 * resolution)**3

            injection_volume = convert(experiment.injection_volume)
            projection_volume = convert(experiment.projection_volume)

            return (injection_volume > self.injection_volume_bounds[0] and
                    injection_volume < self.injection_volume_bounds[1] and
                    projection_volume > self.projection_volume_bounds[0] and
                    projection_volume < self.projection_volume_bounds[1] and
                    contained_ratio > self.min_contained_injection_ratio)

        for eid in experiment_ids:
            experiment = Experiment.from_cache(
                self.cache, eid, self.data_mask_tolerance)

            if valid_volume(experiment):
                hemisphere_id = experiment.injection_hemisphere_id

                if (self.injection_hemisphere_id == 3 or
                        hemisphere_id == self.injection_hemisphere_id):
                    yield experiment

                elif self.flip_experiments:
                    yield experiment.flip()

    def get_experiment_data(self, experiment_ids):
        """forms data arrays, returns self"""

[docs]class VoxelData(_BaseData): """Container class for voxel-scale grid data. Parameters ---------- cache - VoxelModelCache or MouseConnectivityCache object Provides way to pull experiment grid-data from Allen Brain Atlas injection_structure_ids : list, optional, default None List of structure_ids to which the injection mask will be constrained. projection_structure_ids : list, optional, default None List of structure_ids to which the projection mask will be constrained. injection_hemisphere_id : int, optional, default 3 Hemisphere (1:left, 2:right, 3:both) to which the injection mask will be constrained. projection_hemisphere_id : int, optional, default 3 Hemisphere (1:left, 2:right, 3:both) to which the projection mask will be constrained. normalized_injection : boolean, optional, default True If True, the injection density will be normalized by the total injection density for each experiment. normalized_projection : boolean, optional, default True If True, the projection density will be normalized by the total injection density for each experiment. flip_experiments : boolean, optional, default True If True, experiment grid-data will be refelcted accross the midline. Useful if you wish to include L hemisphere injections into a R hemisphere model. data_mask_tolerance : float, optional, default 0.0 Tolerance with which to include data in voxels informatically labeled as having error. The data_mask for each experiment is an array with values between (0, 1), where 1 indicates the voxel fully contains an error, whereas 0 indicates the voxel does not contain any error. A value of 0.0 thus indicates the highest threshold for data, whereas a value of 1.0 indicates that data will be included from all voxels. injection_volume_bounds : float, optional, default (0.0, np.inf) Includes experiments with total injection volume (mm^3) within bounds. projection_volume_bounds : float, optional, default (0.0, np.inf) Includes experiments with total projection volume (mm^3) within bounds. min_contained_injection_ratio : float, optional, default 0.0 Includes experiments with total injection volume ratio within injection mask. Attributes ---------- injection_mask : Mask object Mask object used to constrain and flatten the injection_density from each experiment. This object can also be used to generate a key relating each column of the injections matrix to a corresponding structure or to transform a given row of the injections matrix to its corresponding brain volume. projection_mask : Mask object Mask object used to constrain and flatten the projection_density from each experiment. This object can also be used to generate a key relating each column of the projections matrix to a corresponding structure or to transform a given row of the projections matrix to its corresponding brain volume. centroids : array, shape (n_experiments, 3) Stacked array of injection centroids for each experiment. injections : array, shape (n_experiments, n_source_voxels) Stacked array of constrained, flattened injection densities for each experiment. projections : array, shape (n_experiments, n_target_voxels) Stacked array of constrained, flattened projection densities for each experiment. See also -------- RegionalData Examples -------- >>> from mcmodels.core import VoxelData, VoxelModelCache >>> cache = VoxelModelCache() >>> experiment_ids = (112514202, 139520203) >>> voxel_data = VoxelData(cache) >>> voxel_data.get_experiment_data(experiment_ids) VoxelData() """ COARSE_STRUCTURE_SET_ID = 2 DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_SET_IDS = tuple([COARSE_STRUCTURE_SET_ID])
[docs] def get_experiment_data(self, experiment_ids): """Pulls voxel-scale grid data for experiments. Uses the cache property to pull grid data from the Allen Brain Atlas. Note that only experiments passing all defined parameters will be included. Parameters ---------- experiment_ids : list Ids of candidate experiments to pull. Only the subset of these experiments passing user defined object parameters will be pulled. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ def get_centroid(experiment): """Returns experiment centroid""" return experiment.centroid def get_injection(experiment): """Returns experiment injection masked & flattened""" injection = experiment.get_injection(self.normalized_injection) return self.injection_mask.mask_volume(injection) def get_projection(experiment): """Returns experiment projection masked & flattened""" projection = experiment.get_projection(self.normalized_projection) return self.projection_mask.mask_volume(projection) # get data get_data = lambda x: (get_centroid(x), get_injection(x), get_projection(x)) arrays = map(get_data, self._experiment_generator(experiment_ids)) centroids, injections, projections = map(np.array, zip(*arrays)) self.centroids = centroids self.injections = injections self.projections = projections return self
[docs] def get_regional_data(self): """Returns RegionalData object with same parameters.""" return RegionalData.from_voxel_data(self)
[docs]class RegionalData(_BaseData): """Container class for regionalized voxel-scale grid data. Parameters ---------- cache - VoxelModelCache or MouseConnectivityCache object Provides way to pull experiment grid-data from Allen Brain Atlas injection_structure_ids : list, optional, default None List of structure_ids to which the injection mask will be constrained. projection_structure_ids : list, optional, default None List of structure_ids to which the projection mask will be constrained. injection_hemisphere_id : int, optional, default 3 Hemisphere (1:left, 2:right, 3:both) to which the injection mask will be constrained. projection_hemisphere_id : int, optional, default 3 Hemisphere (1:left, 2:right, 3:both) to which the projection mask will be constrained. normalized_injection : boolean, optional, default True If True, the injection density will be normalized by the total injection density for each experiment. normalized_projection : boolean, optional, default True If True, the projection density will be normalized by the total injection density for each experiment. flip_experiments : boolean, optional, default True If True, experiment grid-data will be reflected across the midline. Useful if you wish to include L hemisphere injections into a R hemisphere model. data_mask_tolerance : float, optional, default 0.0 Tolerance with which to include data in voxels informatically labeled as having error. The data_mask for each experiment is an array with values between (0, 1), where 1 indicates the voxel fully contains an error, whereas 0 indicates the voxel does not contain any error. A value of 0.0 thus indicates the highest threshold for data, whereas a value of 1.0 indicates that data will be included from all voxels. injection_volume_bounds : float, optional, default (0.0, np.inf) Includes experiments with total injection volume (mm^3) within bounds. projection_volume_bounds : float, optional, default (0.0, np.inf) Includes experiments with total projection volume (mm^3) within bounds. min_contained_injection_ratio : float, optional, default 0.0 Includes experiments with total injection volume ratio within injection mask. Attributes ---------- injection_mask : Mask object Mask object used to constrain and flatten the injection_density from each experiment. This object can also be used to generate a key relating each column of the injections matrix to a corresponding structure or to transform a given row of the injections matrix to its corresponding brain volume. projection_mask : Mask object Mask object used to constrain and flatten the projection_density from each experiment. This object can also be used to generate a key relating each column of the projections matrix to a corresponding structure or to transform a given row of the projections matrix to its corresponding brain volume. centroids : array, shape (n_experiments, 3) Stacked array of injection centroids for each experiment. injections : array, shape (n_experiments, n_source_regions) Stacked array of constrained, flattened injection densities for each experiment. projections : array, shape (n_experiments, n_target_regions) Stacked array of constrained, flattened projection densities for each experiment. Notes ----- - :meth:`RegionalData.from_voxel_data` will not return a :class:`RegionalData` object having identical ``injections`` or ``projections`` attributes to those generated from :meth:`get_experiment_data` since the latter unionizes are computed at a finer resolution. Still, the results should be very similar. - :meth:`get_experiment_data` is prefered if only concerned with unionized data, because it loads the unionizes cached by the ``cache`` parameter instead of computing the unionizations from cached grid data volumes. See also -------- VoxelData Examples -------- >>> from mcmodels.core import RegionalData, VoxelModelCache >>> cache = VoxelModelCache() >>> experiment_ids = (112514202, 139520203) >>> regional_data = RegionalData(cache) >>> regional_data.get_experiment_data(experiment_ids) RegionalData() """ ROOT_STRUCTURE_ID = 997 SUMMARY_STRUCTURE_SET_ID = 687527945 DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_SET_IDS = tuple([SUMMARY_STRUCTURE_SET_ID])
[docs] @classmethod def from_voxel_data(cls, voxel_data): """Construct class from a VoxelData object. Parameters ---------- voxel_data : a VoxelData object Returns ------- RegionalData : an installation of the RegionalData object """ regional = cls(voxel_data.cache, injection_structure_ids=voxel_data.injection_structure_ids, projection_structure_ids=voxel_data.projection_structure_ids, injection_hemisphere_id=voxel_data.injection_hemisphere_id, projection_hemisphere_id=voxel_data.projection_hemisphere_id, normalized_injection=voxel_data.normalized_injection, normalized_projection=voxel_data.normalized_projection, flip_experiments=voxel_data.flip_experiments, data_mask_tolerance=voxel_data.data_mask_tolerance, injection_volume_bounds=voxel_data.injection_volume_bounds, projection_volume_bounds=voxel_data.projection_volume_bounds, min_contained_injection_ratio=voxel_data.min_contained_injection_ratio) if hasattr(voxel_data, 'injections'): injection_key = voxel_data.injection_mask.get_key( structure_ids=voxel_data.injection_structure_ids, hemisphere_id=voxel_data.injection_hemisphere_id) projection_key = voxel_data.projection_mask.get_key( structure_ids=voxel_data.projection_structure_ids, hemisphere_id=voxel_data.projection_hemisphere_id) regional.injections = unionize(voxel_data.injections, injection_key) regional.projections = unionize(voxel_data.projections, projection_key) return regional
def _subset_experiments_by_injection_hemisphere(self, unionizes): def _get_hemisphere_injection_map(): hemisphere_injections = {1 : [], 2 : []} for eid in unionizes.experiment_id.unique(): eid_inj = (unionizes.is_injection) & (unionizes.experiment_id == eid) l_sum = unionizes[ eid_inj & (unionizes.hemisphere_id == 1)].projection_density.sum() r_sum = unionizes[ eid_inj & (unionizes.hemisphere_id == 2)].projection_density.sum() inj_hemi = 1 if l_sum > r_sum else 2 hemisphere_injections[inj_hemi].append(eid) return hemisphere_injections hemi_injection_map = _get_hemisphere_injection_map() if self.injection_hemisphere_id in [1, 2]: if self.flip_experiments: # map 2 -> 1 and map 1 -> 2 other_hemisphere_id = 3 - self.injection_hemisphere_id to_flip = hemi_injection_map[other_hemisphere_id] rows = unionizes.experiment_id.isin(to_flip) l_rows = rows & (unionizes.hemisphere_id == 1) r_rows = rows & (unionizes.hemisphere_id == 2) unionizes.loc[l_rows, 'hemisphere_id'] = 2 unionizes.loc[r_rows, 'hemisphere_id'] = 1 else: valid_eids = hemi_injection_map[self.injection_hemisphere_id] unionizes = unionizes[unionizes.experiment_id.isin(valid_eids)] return unionizes def _subset_experiments_by_volume_parameters(self, unionizes, experiment_ids): def valid_experiment(eid): exp_unionizes = unionizes[unionizes.experiment_id == eid] root = (exp_unionizes.structure_id == self.ROOT_STRUCTURE_ID) &\ (exp_unionizes.hemisphere_id == 3) injection_volume = exp_unionizes[ root & exp_unionizes.is_injection].projection_volume.values projection_volume = exp_unionizes[ root & (~exp_unionizes.is_injection)].projection_volume.values contained_injection = exp_unionizes[ exp_unionizes.structure_id.isin(self.injection_structure_ids) & (exp_unionizes.hemisphere_id == 3) & exp_unionizes.is_injection].projection_volume contained_ratio = contained_injection.sum() / injection_volume return all((injection_volume >= self.injection_volume_bounds[0], injection_volume <= self.injection_volume_bounds[1], projection_volume >= self.projection_volume_bounds[0], projection_volume <= self.projection_volume_bounds[1], contained_ratio >= self.min_contained_injection_ratio)) valid_eids = [eid for eid in experiment_ids if valid_experiment(eid)] return unionizes[unionizes.experiment_id.isin(valid_eids)]
[docs] def get_experiment_data(self, experiment_ids, use_dataframes=False): """Pulls regionalized voxel-scale grid data for experiments. Uses the cache attribute to pull grid data from the Allen Brain Atlas. Note that only experiments passing all defined parameters will be included. Parameters ---------- experiment_ids : list Ids of candidate experiments to pull. Only the subset of these experiments passing user defined object parameters will be pulled. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ def _get_data_array(unionizes, is_injection, normalized, hemisphere_id): index = 'experiment_id' columns = 'structure_id' values = 'normalized_projection_volume' if normalized else 'projection_density' valid_rows = (unionizes.is_injection == is_injection) &\ (unionizes.hemisphere_id == hemisphere_id) # better imo than using pd.pivot_table for safety's sake return unionizes[valid_rows].pivot(index=index, columns=columns, values=values) all_structure_ids = list(set([self.ROOT_STRUCTURE_ID]) | set(self.injection_structure_ids) | set(self.projection_structure_ids)) unionizes = self.cache.get_structure_unionizes( experiment_ids, structure_ids=all_structure_ids) # subset unionize rows unionizes = self._subset_experiments_by_volume_parameters(unionizes, experiment_ids) unionizes = self._subset_experiments_by_injection_hemisphere(unionizes) injections = _get_data_array( unionizes, True, self.normalized_injection, self.injection_hemisphere_id) projections = _get_data_array( unionizes, False, self.normalized_projection, self.projection_hemisphere_id) # fill empty injection structures missing = set(self.injection_structure_ids) - set(injections.columns.values) for sid in missing: injections[sid] = 0. # projections is found using is_injection=False, add back injection injections = injections.fillna(value=0.0) projections = projections.add(injections).fillna(value=0.0) # subset to structure ids injections = injections[self.injection_structure_ids] projections = projections[self.projection_structure_ids] if use_dataframes: self.injections = injections self.projections = projections else: self.injections = injections.values self.projections = projections.values return self